Individual Counseling
Individual counseling is the cornerstone of the counselor-student relationship. Students meet with their counselors early in 9th grade to discuss their transition to high school and to develop an understanding of how the counselor can help them as they cope with the academic and personal challenges of the high school years. Counselors will meet privately with their advisees as often as meetings are requested. Moreover, we consider the ideal relationship one in which counselors, teachers, parents, and the student herself cooperate to overcome any obstacles she may encounter in school. Unless a change is requested, the student is assigned a counselor who becomes her advisor for her four years of high school.
At every stage of her progress through Saint Saviour each student is encouraged to challenge herself in accordance with her abilities, to broaden and deepen her extracurricular interests, and to become a young woman who contributes to her school and local community through volunteer action.
Group Guidance Classes
​​​During the freshman and sophomore years, we conduct small group guidance classes with all students at least once a month. Topics on this curriculum include academic and social adjustment to high school, good communication skills, successful conflict resolution, bullying, including cyber-bullying, relationships, and other related issues. In October, all freshmen participate in an extended Study Skills Workshop conducted by faculty members in conjunction with the Guidance Department.
Study and organizational skills are built into the guidance curriculum for all students, in each year of high school. In senior year the discussion advances to college preparatory study skills.
College Counseling
The college advising process begins at the end of sophomore year when counselors meet with students one-on-one to discuss their progress over the previous two years and to set personal and academic goals for junior year. This individual contact with the college counselor continues intensively through junior and senior years as students are required to meet with the counselor and are encouraged to do so as often as they wish.
Our seniors have received their college acceptances.
Click here to view a list of scholarships that the class of 2024 has earned.