We hope that you find our parents’ section useful while looking for important information about the latest happenings at Saint Saviour. Here you will find various resources including forms and documents, links to important parts of our website, and any information regarding upcoming events.
The St. Saviour HS uniform details and pricing for the 2025-26 school year are listed below. Uniforms must be purchased from Flynn & O'Hara.
Click here for the uniform requirements and pricing list.
2024-25 Uniform Information
Bell Schedule
Technology/Activity Fee Payment
A fee of $655 (includes Chromebook) is due for new students and a fee of $505 is due for returning students.
Payment is due by September 15. If you have any questions or would like to add this fee to your FACTS Management account, please contact Mrs. Tarrio at 718-768-4406 ext. 4 or tarrio.j@stsaviour.org.
Click here to pay the fee online.
Please note: there is a $20 credit card fee if you make the payment online.
Senior Fees Payment
Payment is due by September 15. The Senior fee for graduation is $400. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Tarrio at 718-768-4406 ext. 4 or tarrio.j@stsaviour.org.
Click here to pay the fee online
Please note: there is a $15 credit card fee if you make the payment online.