The ninth grade English course is designed to help students develop effective language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension) while broadening knowledge of important literary texts and genres and strengthening analytic skills. A variety of materials are employed, including grammar and literature texts, a vocabulary/grammar workbook, as well as supplemental readings.
Introduction to Literature HonorsThe Ninth Grade Honors English course introduces students to the four main literary genres: drama, poetry, short fiction, and the novel. Beginning with an in-depth examination of the required summer reading texts, students learn skills necessary for close reading and literary analysis. New vocabulary is introduced regularly, through literary selections as well as a vocabulary text. The writing skills necessary for effective communication in every aspect of life are taught with emphasis on the literary essay. Grammar skills are strongly emphasized and taught in tandem with writing, some lessons growing directly out of student writing, and others as a separate strand of the course using a grammar text.
World LiteratureThis course covers literature, writing, and advanced grammar skills. We concentrate on literary works of non-Western origin. As preparation for the SAT exams, we practice analogies, critical reading, and sentence completion, using study aids and prior SAT exams. We expand our analytic essay writing skills to encompass an annotated, MLA style research paper of 1500-2000 words supporting an original thesis.
World Literature HonorsSimilar to English Ten in content, but with greater analytic emphasis and a 2500-3000 word research paper.
Survey of American LiteratureThe Junior English course focuses on the students’ appreciation and understanding of various works of American Literature. Classroom activities are designed for further development of analytic reading skills and writing craft necessary for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and New York State Regents in English Language Arts (Common Core). Daily assignments include readings, writing activities, research assignments, reviews of grammar and style, and vocabulary exercises. Students will participate in the almost daily class discussions to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the material.
Survey of American Literature HonorsThe Junior Honors English course focuses on the students’ appreciation and understanding of various works of American Literature. Classroom activities are designed for further development of analytic reading skills and writing craft necessary for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and New York State Regents in English Language Arts (Common Core). Daily assignments include readings, writing activities, research assignments, reviews of grammar and style, and vocabulary exercises. Students will participate in the almost daily class discussions to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the material.
Survey of British LiteratureThe course covers literature, writing, and basic grammar skills. We focus on British literature, analytic essay writing, and standard English conventions of punctuation, spelling and usage.
Survey of British Literature HonorsThe course covers literature, writing, and basic grammar skills. We focus on British literature, analytic essay writing, and standard English conventions of punctuation, spelling and usage.
Advanced Placement English Language and CompositionThis course, which prepares students for the Advanced Placement Language and Composition Exam, emphasizes a study of non-fiction, including biography, memoir, essays of persuasion, epistolary writing, satire/humor, journalism/reportage, reverie, and the prose poem. Writings from many disciplines constitute the reading portion of the course. These include hard science and natural science, art and architecture, music, literary theory, anthropology, psychology, mythology, politics, and linguistics. We will analyze the rhetorical elements of the works considered, with a view to understanding the connection between form and content. Students then practice writing in these various modes, both imitating the master writers and striving to develop a voice and style of their own. Poetry, drama, and fiction are included in the reading list, but with less emphasis as compared with the AP Literature and Composition class.
Advanced Placement English Literature and CompositionThe Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition course focuses on, first, the students’ attainment of college-level appreciation and analytic understanding of literature, expressed orally and in writing; and, second, the students’ mastery of those skills necessary to produce a college-level research paper. Daily assignments involve reading a wide range of poetry and prose as well as writing analytical and creative essays. Daily discussions call upon the students to respond critically to these assignments.